Nov 4, 2011

How to Increase Page Views

If I ask you how to get traffic to your blog, you can give me a list of 10-15 ways to get traffic or even more. It’s almost easier to get some traffic to your blog in no time, but the thing we look forward for a blog is, how much time a visitor is spending in your blog and how many pages he is viewing in each visit? This is definitely a key factor to make your blog better and to convert first time visitors into loyal readers.
I was watching over my blog’s statistic other day and I saw some improvements in the traffic. Thanks to Google analytics for collecting my site data. I’m sharing my last month’s traffic status below and you can see that I’ve highlighted ‘Pages/Visits’.

The average number of pages a visitor visits in each time is called Pages/Visits. My blog is having 40% bounce rate that means 40 out of 100 people left my blog from the first page. Getting 2.04 page views per visits is extremely difficult when you are getting the bulk amount of traffic from social bookmarking sites. I get most of my visitors from Stumble Upon but many people complain that the visitors from that source don’t stay longer on the site.
I’ve constructed some good quality articles which sure attract people but also I’ve applied some other ways to increase page views. Here are some easy steps to increase page views in your blog.

 Continued Articles 
There are plugins for wordpress and hacks for blogger platform to create continued articles. When a visitor will land on your home page, he will see a summery of the article. He will then have to click on the ‘Read more, continue reading, or whatever..‘ to see the full article. The visitor will be redirected to the article page to read the article; this means another extra page view to read the same article. But if your article is not appealing enough for your visitor, then he will not click on the ‘Read more’ link to see the article.
Internal Linking
Internal links are one of the best ways to attract more page views. You have to put the links between the article texts which will link to another page of your blog. This will catch the attention of the reader and he will click on the link to read that article too.

 Related Posts
There are automatic and manual ways to create related posts under your articles. When a reader will finish reading your article, he will see a set of articles related to that article topic which will give him more resources to learn about the topic. This is a nice way to increase page views and it works all the time.

 Using Your Sidebar
You can use your blog sidebar to increase page views. Use some of your best articles like a top ten list on the sidebar and your readers will read them too. You can also add recent articles, categories, labels and other links that point to your articles in your sidebar.

Article Pages
I’ve created some special pages on my blog with a set of articles on each topic. These will help you to capture more page views. The page is full of links to your older posts. You have to make this page easier to browse and to find good articles. You can see some of my article pages like, popular articles, Beginners guide and Make money.

Comments are also important for getting more page views. If you can attract lots of comments, your readers will stay longer on your blog to read and come back again to see the reply of their comment. Most of the comments system has another page when a person leaves a comment, meaning another extra page view. You can also use your sidebar with recent comments to have more page views.

More Ways For More Page Views
There could be more ways to attract page views on your blog like adding a community page or an about me page on your blog. You can add the RSS feed icon and email form to capture the new visitor. Using your social platforms on your blog is also a nice way to get more page views. You can use chat box on your page to interact with readers or could add a forum page which will have more page views.


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